Our elder law and asset protection attorneys work diligently to assist clients in need of nursing home services or homecare services to access Medicaid while protecting their assets.
The key to an effective asset protection strategy involves working with attorneys who have a thorough understanding of the asset protection strategies available, as well as the practical experience of thoroughly reviewing a client’s income and assets, and any gifts, transfers or transactions during the five-year look-back period prior to applying for Medicaid. This will help to avoid any penalty periods or unpaid nursing home bills, which could have a dramatic effect on an asset protection strategy.
Our services include:
- Understanding and assisting with the resources and income limitations for Medicaid applicants
- Developing various asset protection strategies for clients and reviewing each option with them and family members to determine which plan best meets their goals
- Understanding timing issues and implementing lawful asset protection strategies prior to entering nursing home care or applying for Medicaid
- Reviewing and organizing financial documentation during the relevant look-back period
- Accounting for and rectifying any problems created by transfers, gifts or transactions during the look-back period
For help, contact our skilled lawyers now.