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Roundup Loss in the Supreme Court of the United States Is a Victory for Consumers Injured by The Dangerous Weedkiller

Updated March 13, 2023.

In 2018 Monsanto, the maker of Roundup, was purchased by Bayer and has been dealing with lawsuits surrounding Roundup cancer claims since that time. To date, there have been nearly 200,000 claims made regarding the link between exposure to the product and the development of chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CCL), non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma (NHL), and other diseases.

 As of May 2022, nearly 100,000 Roundup lawsuits have been settled to the tune of approximately $11 billion dollars. This has been accomplished by Plaintiff’s lawyers negotiating settlements directly with Bayer after several test cases went to trial and ended with large verdicts against Bayer.  in favor of the Approximately 80% of the pending cases have been settled and funds have been set aside to settle future claims.

The Supreme Court of the United States Gets Involved

However, in August of 2021, Bayer filed a petition with the U.S. Supreme Court to review one of its Roundup cancer trial losses. In December of 2021 the Court invited the Biden administration to weigh in with its own brief.   In May, the Biden administration asked the U.S. Supreme Court not to hear the case.  Ignoring the request, the Court decided to hear two roundup related cases.

Attorneys representing injured plaintiffs and their clients held their breath while Bayer attempted to convince the highest court in the nation that all of the remaining Roundup claims should be thrown out of court. Thousands of claims came to a grinding halt while awaiting a ruling from the high court. Bayer stopped negotiating settlements in hopes of ruling in its favor.

On June 21, 2022 the Court rejected the first Bayer appeal refusing to shield the company from potentially tens of thousands of claims that its weedkiller causes cancer.  On June 27, 2022 the U.S. Supreme Court again rejected the company’s arguments allowing an $87 million verdict in favor of a California couple to stand. These decisions send a strong message to Bayer that these cases will not be going away.  Bayer should have renewed interest in resolving the pending claims against it as well as claims that may arise in the future.

Have You Been Affected by Using Roundup?

If you or a loved one has developed CCL or NHL after exposure to the glyphosate found in Roundup, it’s not too late to file a Roundup lawsuit. Some of the most common categories of people who qualify for these lawsuits include those who have been exposed to glyphosate and:

  • Have been diagnosed with non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma and are currently undergoing treatment
  • Have been diagnosed with non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma and do not yet need treatment
  • Have previously undergone treatment for non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma
  • Have been diagnosed with and/or have undergone treatment for various subtypes of non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma such as chronic lymphocytic leukemia, B-cell lymphoma, hairy cell leukemia, lymphocytic lymphoma and others

If you’ve lost an immediate family member (spouse, parent, or child) to non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma including its various subtypes such as chronic lymphocytic leukemia, B-cell lymphoma, hairy cell leukemia, lymphocytic lymphoma and others, after regular exposure to Roundup, you may also be able to file a wrongful death lawsuit.

Is it too late to bring a claim?

Since there is a possible delay of many years between exposure to glyphosate and the development of cancer, it’s likely that victims will continue to come forth for decades. Despite the previous settlement agreements, new claims can be made. If you or a loved one has developed CCL or NHL after prolonged exposure to glyphosate, it may not be too late to act.

The personal injury attorneys at Lacy Katzen LLP have decades’ worth of experience with personal injury cases.

Please contact Jacqueline Thomas for a free case evaluation.


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