distracted driving

How Dangerous is Distracted Driving?

Updated February 22, 2024.

Distracted driving is among the most pervasive causes of auto accidents, even outpacing accidents caused by driving while intoxicated. Importantly, if you were injured in an accident by a distracted driver, you may have a path to compensation. Please continue reading and reach out to a dedicated Rochester personal injury lawyer from Lacy Katzen, LLP to learn more about how we can assist you. Here are some of the questions you may have:

How Dangerous is Driving While Distracted?

Distracted driving ranks among today’s most pressing road safety concerns. But what exactly constitutes distracted driving? In essence, it involves any activity diverting a driver’s attention from the road. Texting is a prime example, often considered the most alarming distraction. Distractions also include using a navigation system, eating, talking to passengers, or changing the radio station. Why is texting particularly hazardous? Because it requires visual, manual, and cognitive attention from the driver.

What are the Statistics Behind Distracted Driving?

Annually, thousands of accidents are attributed to distracted driving. In 2020, 3,142 people were killed as a result in the United States. New York State reports alarming figures annually. Rochester, New York, witnesses its fair share of these tragedies. Disturbingly, teen drivers are most at risk for distracted driving incidents. Studies indicate that texting while driving increases crash risk by 23 times.

How Does New York Law Address This?

New York State enforces stringent distracted driving laws. Violators face hefty fines and points on their driving record. Repeat offenders may face even harsher penalties.

What Should I Do After an Accident?

After an accident, you should try to take the following steps, as they’ll provide a means to document the accident and ensure you receive immediate medical treatment.

  • Call the police and request emergency medical services be sent to the scene.
  • Ask the other driver for their insurance information.
  • Ask witnesses for their contact information.
  • Take pictures or videos of any damage caused by the accident.
  • Keep copies of all medical documentation pertaining to your injuries.
  • Retain the services of a seasoned Rochester auto accident lawyer.

How Can a Lawyer Help Me Prove the Negligent Driver Was Driving While Distracted?

Proving that a driver was distracted in a personal injury case can be challenging, but a skilled lawyer can help you gather critical evidence. This may include cell phone records, witness statements, and surveillance footage. An attorney can also utilize accident reconstruction experts, whose insight can be invaluable in establishing the cause of an accident.

If you have further questions or believe you were injured in an accident caused by another party’s negligence, please don’t hesitate to contact Lacy Katzen, LLP today. We are here to fight for your rightful compensation, every step of the way.


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